The Dream Life 1979-1990
From Rolls Royce To Rainforest
​For ten years I was chauffeur to Mrs. Ja. A. McDouglad, a Canadian citizen who was a friend of the British Royal Family and a wonderful lady to work for. To me, it was the best job in the world. I could imagine doing no other. But, over the years I grew distressed over the destruction of the Amazon rainforests. As a child, it was my dream to visit the Amazon. By 1988, my childhood dream was going up in smoke. The Amazon was ablaze with thousands of fires set by people invading the forests for gold, for cattle, for countless reasons.
Not knowing what to do I cycled around Iceland to be alone be alone with time to think about what I could do to help save it.
Cycling around Iceland I discovered how a thousand years of democracy and history had been passed on through great sagas and the ancient art of storytelling. In this land where I could drink straight from the rivers and breathe the purest of air, I what I could do.
I would become a writer of fairytales. I would travel the world, and through my stories inspire positive action on behalf of the natural environment we all need to exist. A few months later my childhood dream came true when I led a Balsa Raft Expedition down the Amazon.
'From Rolls Royce to Rainforest' the headlines of a Canadian newspaper announced upon my return. Which sums up this part of my life.