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Our Life In Patagonia

Hi There!

I live with my wife Konomi near the village of La Junta in Patagonian Chile, where we are creating a sustainable lifestyle . We have built our home, with our own hands, using ancient technologies and modern ideas to have minimum impact on the natural environment and utilizing the natural resources available from our land and the immediate vicinity, on a small piece of hill side pasture , that had previously been eroded by cattle and sheep to the extent that it looked like a pool table.


This pool table of land gave us a blank canvas to work with and we have planted 1300 indigenous trees and fruit trees, to bring it back to it;s former glory and at the same time provide for us a food forest to compliment the extensive terraces gardens that we have made. Our drinking water comes from a nearby steam, which runs dry for at least five months of the year. In order to feed our gardens, we catch rain from our house, guest cabin and greenhouses and hill slopes and channel the water into the nineteen ponds we have created.


Our work and farm is known throughout the region and we often receive visitors from the government and organisations interested in sustainability and alternative methods of farming that we use to successfully grow crops that have never been previously grown in our region, thanks to the revolutionary, practical and inexpensive methods we use. I am also an author and lecturer with international acclaim, on a wide range of subjects, often relating to my walks around the planet planting trees and spreading the environmental and peace messages.

Two years ago we gave a presentation to the Farmer's Footprint Community about our life at Paul and Konomi's Garden.

There are plenty of photos to explain the journey of our land from a sheep and cow pasture to a food forest and [permaculture garden.

A World Of Stories From 1954-2024

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